Here’s a list of some awesome tools that will make joining and/or organizing Twitch Raid Trains easy and fun. We have a special place in our hearts for the Twitch Community!
R3dLabs | The Ultimate Raid Train Manager
R3dLabs is a Twitch Raid Train planning software created by the awesome folks here at Patterson Labs! Here’s some of the cool stuff you can do with R3dLabs to make planning Twitch Raid events awesome:
- Self-Registration: Provide a link, and optional code to your streamer friends and they can self-register for the time slot that works best for them.
- Manual Registration: If you’d rather manually pick which time slots to place someone, you can do that too!
- Public or Private Registration: Make slot registration public or private, you can even reserve slots for specific users. Private registration means you will either provide a code or a link to the people you want to invite.
- Slot Reservations: Slots can be reserved for specific users so you can save those primo times for your most supportive streamers.
- Upload Event Images: Upload an image to represent your event – this image will show when you share the event link on social media
- Advanced Team Features: Create a team to make managing events easier and more collaborative.
- Integrated Chatbot: Includes a free chatbot named R3ddyBot to help faciliate raid events. It has commands like !raidready, !raidnow – and makes automated announcements about the event so everything stays on-track. You can also enable AI features for a small fee.
- OBS & Elgato Steam Deck Plugins: To make things SUPER fun and easy, we’ve created an OBS docked tool (FirePanel), and a Stream Deck Plugin (R3dLabs Toolbox) – read more below.
FirePanel, A Twitch Raid Tool
FirePanel is another tool we build here at Patterson Labs for the Twitch community. It’s a standalone web app you can either mount as a panel right into OBS, directly on a web browser or even on a mobile device! Here’s some of the key features:
- Raid Target Queuing: No more working to fine the perfect person to raid only to have them go offline before you’re ready to raid out. Unique to FirePanel – you can QUEUE up multiple potential raid targets and order them so if one goes offline, the others will fill in the gap. Just press a button to raid out when you’re ready.
- Raid Train Integration: FirePanel is fully integrated with R3dLabs, so if you’re taking part in a Twitch Raid Train, you can view full event details as well as raid out to the person that comes after you with just a click.
- Viewer List & Chat: Chat with your viewers and get a list of everyone watching your channel. There’s even some built in moderation functionality!
R3dLabs Toolbox – Elgato Stream Deck Plugin
Yep! Here’s another gem we’ve created here at Patterson Labs – The R3dLabs Elgato Stream Deck plugin. The button will change depending on if you’re on a Twitch raid train (on – and depending on if the next streamer is online yet. When they go live – and you’re ready to raid them – just press the button. Done! No more having to lookup how to type their time and risking a raid to the wrong person. Here’s some of the features:
- Raid With One Press: Raid to next streamer on your raid train with a single button press
- See Who You Will Be Raiding: Visually see the name of the next streamer (raid target) on the button
- Easily See When Next Streamer Is Live: Visual queues on the button to show you when the next streamer goes live
- Press Again To Cancel: Press to raid, press again to cancel if you change your mind!
Take me to the R3dLabs Toolbox!
And there you go! We’re huge fans of the Twitch community and have a blast building tools for you. We sincerely hope you give them a shot.